A quiet and respected master lived isolated on a mountaintop.
A peasant girl lived in the village at the foot of this mountaintop.
The peasant girl got pregnant and had no husband.
The people of the village, appalled, condemned the girl and demanded to know who the father of her child was.
After sustaining alarming harassment, she pointed out the father as the master on the top of the mountain.
The people vengefully and violently marched to the master's domain.
The people vengefully and violently marched to the master's domain.
They cursed him, beat him, insulted him and demanded he take responsibility for the child.
Following the terrorization, the master simply replied to the crowd, "Very well. Very well."
The master then raised the child with love, wisdom and patience.
Three years later, the mother became consumed with guilt and shame. She could not bear living knowing the master was not truthfully the child's father. It was instead her next door neighbor. She told the people of the village, and asked for her child back.
The people marched into the master's quarters and apologized for misjudging him. They saw the connection between the master and child, but still demanded the child back.
The master simply replied: "Very well. Very well."